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Who is Mr Brown?
Mr Brown is our Reception teacher and will take his time to teach early years learners, the foundations of literacy in preparation for Key Stage 1; by way of fun, interactive games and activities. At the end of the school year, learners will be ready to take the next step and either attend a conventional school or join our other Key Stage 1 learners studying online.
At the end of the school year, all learners are expected to know their alphabet and be able to blend words together using phonics. They will recognise the 44 sounds that are called phonemes and all of their activities will be based on this learning.
Maths hasn’t been forgotten and numbers up to 20 will be taught, together with shapes, sizes, patterns and groups; ensuring that preparation for Key Stage 1 is covered completely.
Learn to read with Mr Brown
Mr Brown will hold a reading class at the end of every lesson, where learners can listen to fun stories and learn to read themselves. As they learn more skills, lessons will become more difficult but introduced in a fun way so that even spelling tests will provide an enjoyable experience, laying the foundations of positive learning for future education.
When home schooling, it is easy to run out of ideas for activities to fill those gaps that attending a conventional school may take care of, however Mr Brown will ensure that you have lots of ideas available; from fun simple recipes to taking trips outside and identifying insects.
Don’t take our word for it, have a look for yourself.
Lesson 1
Phonics: Ss | Maths: 1
Lesson 2
Phonics: Aa | Maths: 2
Lesson 3
Phonics: Tt | Maths: 3
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